Abate Fétel
I’m called Abate Fétel, I was born in France and was named after an abbot (Abbé Fétel) who discovered me in the mid-1800s. I’ve lived in Italy for a long time, in a luxuriant plain between Emilia-Romagna and Veneto which has become my home.
I’m tall and my harmonious shape is like a ballerina stretching up on her toes to try and touch the sky. People who know me well know that I have a strong and decisive character but, at the same time, I know how to give the right amount of sweetness.
My ideal dress is a nice green - yellow rusty colour and sometimes, even if I’m not shy, I can blush as I let myself get a bit too sun kissed. I don’t need make-up or perfume as I’m naturally beautiful and pleasantly aromatic.
I know I’m unique, which is why I’m known as the Queen of pears, and that’s because I live in a plain where I’m born and can grow with respect for everything around me and in the awareness that I can go a long way to be discovered, eaten and loved.