
Futurpera 2017 - Sponsorship


Futurpera is promoted and organised by the company Futurpera srl – a holding of Organizzazione Interprofessionale Pera and Ferrara Fiere – with the aim of promoting the pear supply chain, from growing to retail and enhance the different varieties of pear grown in a dedicated area of the Po Valley between Emilia-Romagna and Veneto.

logo-oipero    logo-ferrarafiere logo-bofiere group


Main sponsor

logo-bper         logo-aea    Camera di Commercio di Ferrara


With support and patronage

logo-er Comune di FerraraProvincia di Ferraralogo-upa     CIA FERRARA     logo coldiretti logo Fipe logo Confesercenti Ferrara logo CNA Ferrara logo Ascom Ferrrara logo Ordine Dottori Agronomi e Forestali Ferrara Consorzio di bonifica pianura di Ferrara


In Collaboration with

       Fondazione per l'agricoltura Fratelli Navarra     Centro Servizi Ortofrutticoli



HERAmbiente yoga valfrutta Parmareggio - Parmigiano Reggiano


Media Partner

Agrisole Agronotizie Edagricole Imageline Plantgest Italia Fruit News



Ferrara Expo srl
Sede legale: Via della Fiera, 11
44124 Ferrara (FE)

C.F. - P.ivae Reg. Imp.: 02113830380
REA: FE - 226928
Capitale Sociale € 146.000,00 i.v.



Organisation Office

Via della Fiera, 11 - Ferrara
MAIL This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
TEL. 0039 0532 900 713
MOB. 0039 348 89 86 396
Press and Communications Office
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