


menu-pera-carmen-fiera-della-peramenu-pera-santa-maria-fiera-della-peramenu-pera-williams-fiera-della-perapera max red-barlet - Fiera della Pera FuturPera a Ferrarapera conference - Fiera della Pera FuturPera a Ferrarapera decana del comizio  - Fiera della Pera FuturPera a Ferrarapera abate fetel - Fiera della Pera FuturPera a Ferrarapera kaiser
I'm called Carmen and was named after the opera by George Bizet, but don’t say I’m a French pear. I was born in 1980 in Forlì, a nice town in Emilia-Romagna, a region of the Po Valley. I grew up here and continue to grow here, even if I can adapt easily to living elsewhere and I often go far. I am a full, rounded shape and everyone says I’m a really nice, attractive girl, but I don’t want to be too vain. My dress is basically a yellow-greenish shade but it is suffused with a lovely red colour that is cheerful and that children love. My flavour is juicy with an acidulous note that makes it thirst quenching and perfect on hot summer days. Because I love summer, especially the month of July, when my shape is perfect and I’m ready to be harvested bringing a touch of colour and flavour wherever I go.
pera carmen caratteristiche - Fiera della Pera Ferrara - FuturPera

Ferrara Expo srl
Sede legale: Via della Fiera, 11
44124 Ferrara (FE)

C.F. - P.ivae Reg. Imp.: 02113830380
REA: FE - 226928
Capitale Sociale € 146.000,00 i.v.



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