The World Pear Forum is a prestigious international forum dedicated to the cultivation of the pears
Conferences and round tables dedicated to the main topics of the sector to deepen, with Italian and foreign experts, the news on production, marketing, internal and external market and consumption of pear.
Thursday 28 November
From 10.00 to 12.00 – DECANA hall /Plenary – Pav. 2 (Atrium)
A different kind of pear growing is possible. Comparison between the Italian and the Australian experience.
Ideas and suggestions on how to reorganise the composition of varieties in our fruit growing area
Report by the Navarra Foundation Experimental technical department
Fruit growing in Australia
Marcel Veens - Horticultural adviser - Australia
Summary and comments on the two growing systems
Moderator: Ivano Valmori, director of Agronotizie
Lunch break
From 14.30 to 18.30 – DECANA hall /Plenary – Pav. 2 (Atrium)
Analysis and possible solutions for damage caused by brown spotting
Brown spotting on pear trees: the contribution of research
Marina Collina - Dept. di of Agri-food Science and Technologies (DISTAL) – University of Bologna
14.50 – Round Table
“In-field tests”
Stefano Civolani – Unife and Innovaricerca
Claudio Cristiani – Consorzio Agrario dell’Emilia
Michele Preti – Astra
Defence strategies for brown spotting on pear trees
Loredana Antoniacci - Phytosanitary Service of the Emilia-Romagna Region
Brown spotting: the situation in Veneto
Gabriele Zecchin - Phytosanitary Service of the Veneto Region
16.00 – Round Table
The latest updates on areas involved by the problem and direct experiences
Maurizio Sgobbi – CICO/Mazzoni
Mansueto Andrea Rimondi – AFE
Maurizio Foschini – Agrintesa
Andrea Gozza – Consorzio Agrario dell’Emilia
Aleardo Bertazzoni – Consulenza Agronomica OP Corma
Maurizio Saltari – Fruit Modena Group
Simona Caselli – Councillor of Agriculture, hunting and fishing of the Emilia-Romagna Region
Moderator: Ivano Valmori, director of Agronotizie
Friday 29 november
From 9.30 to 12.30 – DECANA hall /Plenary – Pav. 2 (Atrium)
Commercial prospects and new market opportunities
2019/2020 commercial campaign: the prospects for the season – by CSO Italy
10.15 - Round Table: the 2019/2020 campaign through the eyes of the representatives of European production:
ITALY – Luca Granata - Opera
BELGIUM – Marc Evrard – BFV (Belgian Fruit Valley)
NETHERLANDS – Wim Rodenburg - GroentenFruit Huis
FRANCE – Vincent Guerin - ANPP
SPAIN - Joan Serentill Rubio – Fepex/Afrucat
Italian pears: how are they perceived by consumers?
by UNITO and CSO Italy
In the pear 24/7 free-radicals scavengers
Maria Gabriella Marchetti – University of Ferrara
Challenges and opportunities of third markets, with updates on China
by CSO Italy
Direct experience on Italy-China negotiations
Enrico Berti – Italian Embassy in Beijing
12.00 – Round Table: the words of the operators
Marco Salvi – Chairman of Fruit Imprese
Piergiorgio Lenzarini – Chairman of the Emilia Romagna PGI Pear Consortium
Ilenio Bastoni – General Manager of Apofruit
Luigi Mazzoni – CEO of Vivai Mazzoni
Moderator: Rossella Gigli, Editor-in-chief of Freshplaza
Saturday 30 november
From 9.30 to 12.30 – DECANA hall /Plenary – Pav. 2 (Atrium)
How to tackle new challenges: the example of the brown marmorated stink bug
The latest trends in Italian pear growing
by CSO Italy
The brown marmorated stink bug: where are we up to?
10.20 - “Biology and spread of the brown marmorated stink bug in Europe”
Lara Maistrello – Department of Life Sciences - Unimore
10.40 – Brown marmorated stink bug: experience and local management in Emilia Romagna
Luca Casoli - Phytosanitary consortium of Modena and Reggio Emilia
11.00 - Brown marmorated stink bug: monitoring and defence experiences in Piedmont
Luciana Tavella – Department of Agricultural, Forest and Food Science - UniTO
11.20 - The brown marmorated stink bug in Catalonia, Spain: the situation and activities
Adriana Escudero – IRTA Catalonia - Spain
11.40 – Round Table
Stefano Cocchi – Agrintesa
Albano Bergami – Oi Pera/Op Diamantina
Stefano Boncompagni – Phytosanitary Service of the Emilia-Romagna Region
Lorenzo Tosi – Agrea
Gabriele Zecchin – Phytosanitary Service of the Veneto Region
Moderator: Giannantonio Armentano, Agricultural Representative