Santa Maria
I’m called Santa Maria Morettini and my name, which is decidedly important, was chosen in Florence, in 1951, by Alessandro Morettini, the agronomist who created me. From Tuscany I travelled to the Po Valley and began my long and successful life here.
I am a roundish shape, I’m not very tall and I’m not as gracious as some of my sisters, but I'm strong and vigorous and many people love me because of my rustic nature. People also like me as I’m versatile, adapt easily to all situations and I’m very generous. In fact, the trees where I live produce large quantities, to the joy of my growers and also those who eat me.
My dress is a nice light yellow colour but I’ve got little green lenticels that make me very gracious. My flesh is very white and my flavour, not overly sweet and aromatic, is sublime between the end of July and the beginning of August when I’m harvested and can really go anywhere.