We are called Carmen, Santa Maria, Williams, Max Red Barlett, Conference, Decana del Comizio, Abate Fétel and Kaiser. Our names may seem strange, but they are important as they tell you about our origins and distinguish us from each other. Some of us come from very far away, some of us were born many years ago and each of us has a colour, a flavour and a shape that makes us unique.
Even if our stories are different we have become like sisters who share a big house or, to be more precise, a luxuriant plain between Emilia-Romagna and Veneto. All together we grow on over 23,000 hectares of surface area and we are over 80% of the pears grown in Italy.
Each of us has its own time for being born and growing. Each of us has its own season. Some prefer the start of the summer, when the sun is bright and the heat is intense; others love late summer, when the signs of a new season start to appear; and others choose autumn when the air is clear and the leaves on the trees change to thousands of colours. We are available for many months for anyone who chooses us and eats us as loving hands harvest and store us, keeping us fresh and tasty.