
Futurpera, a supply chain event

The first international trade fair dedicated to the promotion of the pear supply chain

A supply chain event

FuturPera is the first trade fair dedicated to the promotion of the pear supply chain, from sustainable growing techniques to the storage of the product and from marketing to retail. The event aims to promote the maximum development of the sector and its technological innovation and sets out to be a strategic meeting point for the different players in the supply chain, Italian and foreign, and international buyers to promote the internationalisation of the product. It has a strong technical and commercial orientation and is the reference point for those working in the pear industry who can find the most important companies representing the entire supply chain at an excellent quality single convention, for keeping up to date on the latest news in the sector and having the chance to meet and exchange ideas with other operators.

The exhibition centre

Ferrara Fiere hosts the exhibition and convention part of FuturPera, open to all companies working in the different sectors of the supply chain: nursery, growing, post-harvest and storage, processing, marketing, distribution and retail. The exhibition pavilions, with their large spaces that fulfil the needs of companies of all sizes and types, are the hub of the event. Walking through the FuturPera exhibition area is a simple and innovative journey through top quality Italian pear growing.

The land of the pear

FuturPera is profoundly connected to the agricultural vocation of a productive area of the Po Valley. Therefore, Ferrara and its territory, at the heart of the pear growing area, are the joint focus of the event. For FuturPera the city becomes the location of a packed schedule of culinary and cultural events. It is a way of spreading the typical culture of the area and the conscious consumption of a top quality product that is part of the local agricultural history.

Ferrara Expo srl
Sede legale: Via della Fiera, 11
44124 Ferrara (FE)

C.F. - P.ivae Reg. Imp.: 02113830380
REA: FE - 226928
Capitale Sociale € 146.000,00 i.v.



Organisation Office

Via della Fiera, 11 - Ferrara
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TEL. 0039 0532 900 713
MOB. 0039 348 89 86 396
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